Walking the Talk When It Comes to a Growth Mindset 

Meet Morgan Muckelvane

Before I joined Zeroed-In, I had never worked with such a motivated and curious team before. I have worked several jobs where there was little incentive to try new things and grow professionally together as a team. This completely changed once I joined Zeroed-In as a Consultant in July 2022. 

I actually knew our CEO, Kyle Geers, years before joining Zeroed-In – even before the firm was founded! I knew Kyle’s passionate working style, his incessant desire to try and learn new things and his ultimate goal for starting the company – to fill a gap in the world of finance and transformation services. In fact, I hinted to him to keep me in mind for future endeavors years ago. 

By the time Kyle and COO John Ikosipentarhos were expanding their team, I was already locked into a year-long contract with my former employer. Not only did they promise to wait for me so I wouldn’t have to break my contract, but they even gave me time to move from Nevada back to my home state of California and get settled in before jumping into the role. I’ve never worked with such a flexible, understanding employer before. 

Proving their passion for innovation and growth, I was told that not only did they support my decision to take the CPA exam, but they made it a development goal for me in 2023 and encouraged me to study as I onboarded into the role. I’ll take the first exam known as the FAR (Financial Accounting & Reporting) in January 2023. All the while, I have been immersed in projects and clients because we believe in on-the-job learning as well. 

I’ve been working closely with a client that will soon open offices in the U.S. in addition to their home offices in Europe. I’ve been supporting this client from the ground-up, developing a new payroll and ERP system which will be fully integrated when launched. It’s fascinating to get to experience the full life cycle of a client’s latest endeavor. It’s given me a holistic view of our work and how best to work with a client undergoing enormous change. 

From the focus on my own development to enabling me to work with clients from day one, I feel truly at home here. When I think about my future career path, I can’t see it without also seeing Zeroed-In. Just this week, I texted a friend who asked how work was: “This is the best job I’ve ever had. I love it.” 

Morgan Muckelvane is a professional based in the Inland Empire, CA. Prior to joining Zeroed-In, she worked at Amazon as an Area Manager, and found her passion for accounting after holding various accounting positions with San Manuel Casino and Varp, Inc. Morgan holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from California State University, San Bernardino, as well as a Certificate in Accounting from the University of California, Riverside – and she will take her CPA exam in 2023. 


The sweet spot of variety and work-life balance


Flexibility and freedom to innovate